In One Instant Teen Safe Driving Program Collaborates with NTSB to Amplify Hispanic Youth Perspectives on Road Safety

In one instant
Los Angeles, February 14, 2024 – In a pioneering move to enhance road safety, National Traffic Safety Board (NTSB), along with In One Instant, has given a platform to Hispanic youth to voice their experiences and insights on road safety. This initiative marks the first listening session hosted by NTSB, aimed at amplifying the voices of Hispanic youth.
The webinar, “National Youth Listening Session on Roadway Safety: Amplifying the Voices of Hispanic Youth,” brought together 11 Hispanic high school leaders selected from across the country. The session provided the opportunity to hear directly from Hispanic youth about the most pressing roadway safety challenges in their communities, and to gain valuable insights on more effective communication to this vulnerable population.
“These incredible young people spoke from their personal experience and provided invaluable perspectives on driver safety and risky behaviors in their communities. Their firsthand accounts have greatly informed our efforts to enhance road safety measures that will save lives. We’re grateful to the National Traffic Safety Board and our other partner organizations for facilitating this critical dialogue,” said Gail Schenbaum, Co-Founder and President of In One Instant.
The youth leaders discussed a range of topics, including the most dangerous activities their peers engage in. They also spoke about the most influential factors affecting roadway dangers in their age group, and ideas concerning effective strategies that will resonate with their peers on safety issues. Key insights from the session included the dual role models for teens—their peers and their parents—the popularity of dangerous trends like street racing, and misconceptions about the “safety” of driving under the influence of marijuana.
In One Instant is now incorporating these insights into its programs for the Hispanic population in the United States. The organization also looks forward to collaborating with NTSB on future listening sessions for other underserved, diverse teen communities.
The listening session was moderated by Nicholas Worrell, Safety Advocacy Division Chief at NTSB, and co-hosted by the Florida Teen Safe Driving Coalition and Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA).
View it here:
ABOUT IN ONE INSTANT – In One Instant Teen Safe Driving Program is an award-winning video and interactive experience, led by high school students to combat the national epidemic of distracted and impaired driving.
For more information about In One Instant and its initiatives, please contact Visit:
PRESS CONTACT: Dahlia Greer for In One Instant